Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dr. appointment results

Just got back from the Dr. He verified that her cancer started as breast cancer, is in her neck, back and especially bad on the ribs on her left side and in the glands of the neck. He didn't even suggest treatment except to bring the swelling down in the glands and pain killers. I didn't get much of a chance to ask questions because mom did all the talking, mostly about caring for dad, so it was hard to get a word in from the Dr. or me. I think it was mostly nerves on her part. We go back in a month for lab test, then I think they will have a better idea on how fast it is moving. I am concerned that she has lost 3 lbs in the last couple of weeks, but that could be from the trama of moving and all. He shingles are still bothering her also.

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