Sunday, April 6, 2008

Visit with the Robinson's

Pat and Frank Robinson, came from Sacramento to spend a few days with mom. We all had a great time. Ron Debendiner came over for Sunday afternoon. I don't know how we missed him in the pictures. This really made mom feel good and take her mind off of things. Since Pat is a pharmacist and Frank a doctor, they answered a lot of her questions about what drugs to take and what she should do. Dennis Hyde her nephew called today and so did her brother Willard. It was a good day.
Les and I got in this picture with Mom and Frank. Just before the picture was taken, Salsa jumped up to be in it.
Les and Pat played a friendly game of Wii boxing. Frank had surgery on his arm for an accident playing ball on New Years day, but vowed to come back for a challenge.
In case you couldn't tell Pat won. I think he's hooked and is going to try to find a Wii. Les won a few games himself and they were both exhausted by the end.

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